
John Peachey from The Think Farm is dangerous. He is what has been described as a disruptor, a provocateur to the status quo. He researches, writes and delivers on the style of leadership and communication that drives innovation,engagement and collaboration. John asks the type of questions that releases leaders to explore new leadership paradigms that enhance influence, build reputation,recognise giftedness and deliver fantastic people outcomes. He explores how powerful personal narratives and imagination motivates leaders towards outstanding leadership and how they can position themselves to engage in high value conversations that deliver high value outcomes. He coaches leaders how to powerfully harness untapped people power and leverage their influence for greater growth.

The Think Farm provides facilitated leadership and communication workshops, coaching and on line seminars centred around leadership well-being and growing the capacity of leaders at all levels. They offer highly practical themes, tools and strategies for great people outcomes.

Training leaders is built around some key ideas and thinking.

  • When Leaders Rise, Everyone Rises.
  • Leadership is a Profession, not an act of fate
  • Great leadership and Great Communication are synonymous terms
  • It’s critical we raise the middle.
  • Leaders are not Packhorses.
  • Coffee Fixes Everything