Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

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Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

$46.00 inc. GST

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Keywords : Marilee Adams

brain coaching leadership


Change Your Questions, Change Your Life is a worldwide, word-of-mouth bestseller. Readers have said they personally experienced life-changing benefits by learning to ask the right questions-ones that empowered them rather than got in their way. Through a compelling story Marilee Adams shows that, in any situation, we can ask “Judger” questions that impede our progress and keep us from getting results we want. Or we can ask “Learner” questions that open us to growth, connection, satisfaction, and success. This insight leads the book’s hero to breakthroughs that save his career as well as his marriage.

In this extensively revised third edition, Adams has made her quick-read story even more illuminating and helpful, and has added two powerful new tools that show how working with the Judger/Learner mindset can dramatically improve coaching and leadership. This entertaining, enlightening step-by-step guide has what you need to transform your life, personally and professionally.

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