Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs

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Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs

$60.00 inc. GST

SKU: HB1415 Category:

Key words: collaboration teams school improvement leadership
Gavin Grift/R L Marzano/Tammy Heflebower/Phil Warwock


Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs is groundbreaking. It offers F–12 teachers and school leaders a practical, comprehensive model for building successful professional learning communities (PLCs). Authors Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, Phil Warrick and Gavin Grift, with contributors Laurel Hecker and Janelle Wills, draw from extensive research and experience to present a clear and compelling look at the future of PLCs. Beginning with essential theory, the authors then detail the practical steps that collaborative teams can take to transform their schools. If you are an educator in the process of developing your school as a PLC, this book is an invaluable resource.

Leaders and teachers will:

  • be guided by six fundamental questions to bring about genuine transformation in collaboration, curriculum, assessment, instruction, teacher development and leadership
  • learn from the experiences of real schools by examining their strategies and practices
  • explore resources for collaborative teams to use as they have honest and challenging discussions, develop and monitor norms, and focus relentlessly on improving student learning
  • monitor their school’s PLC journey through powerful self-evaluation surveys and reflective questions
  • deepen their understanding in order to shift from first-order change to second-order change
  • build and extend their school as a PLC through a structured and manageable model for school improvement
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