ANXIETY & RESILIENCE – Kathryn Berkett

Home/ANXIETY & RESILIENCE – Kathryn Berkett

Presented by:

Kathryn Berkett

Event Date:

21 Aug 2024

Event Time:

09:30 AM - 03:00 PM

  • How we develop resilience (the antidote to anxiety)
  • The factors in our modern world which are limiting exposure to resilient-building moments
  • Ways to practically include resilience-building moments into everyday lives of students

Anxiety and depression are increasing at a significantly rate.  Research in the UK and USA is showing that those born after 1994 (Gen-Z or iGen) have rates of anxiety and depression that are increasing faster than the ‘trend’ would have predicted.  It is increasing for boys, but nearly doubling for girls. Alarming (but not new) information for those dealing with classrooms full of anxious, hypervigilant, and/or depressed students.

This workshop will unpack the biological and neurological basis of anxiety, how it impacts our thinking and behaviour. Then, we will unpack what it looks like to increase resilience.  The fantastic news is that you create resilient-building moments in your classrooms all the time.  You just may not be aware of what magic you are doing.

This training will inform you about working to build resilience in those you influence, therefore reducing the impact of anxiety.  It will also help you understand yourself a little bit more, always a bonus! Come along and be informed.

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Non member Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price: $340.00
Multiple booking price for 3 or more
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Event Location:


  • Learning Network NZ
  • Cnr Universal/Soljan Drives, Henderson
  • Auckand
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