How Schools Thrive

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How Schools Thrive

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Keywords : Michael Maffoni/Robert Eaker/Tesha Ferriby Thomas/Susan Sparks-Many/Thomas Many

collaboration PLC’s coaching


Building a Coaching Culture for Collaborative Teams in PLC’s at Work

In this book, the authors apply the best thinking in the profession to the process of building a highly effective coaching culture for collaborative teams in Professional Learning Communities at Work (PLCs). This follow-up to the authors’ book Amplify Your Impact: Coaching Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work uses the team coaching structure they advocate to explore how F–12 coaches, administrators and teacher leaders can coach teams around the essential elements of the PLC process. They provide the concrete ideas and strategies necessary for leaders to coach teams toward effective and deeper implementation of the PLC process as they acquire new insights, confront new questions and explore new approaches.

Readers will:

  • discover how coaching creates and supports highly effective collaborative teams in PLCs
  • understand the benefits of “drilling deeper” into the PLC process, as well as how to do so
  • learn how to use element-specific strategy implementation guides to help teams develop their collective inquiry, continuous improvement, action orientation and focus on results
  • discover how to coach collaborative teams in using the pathway tools to monitor the presence and effectiveness of essential elements
  • find many strategies for developing teams to move into the next level of PLC practice.

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